At GSC, we are passionate about helping to birth an inspired, morally educated and socially responsible generation of enlightened people.
At GSC, we are passionate about helping to birth an inspired, morally educated and socially responsible generation of enlightened people.
At the Generation For Societal Change, we firmly believe that the solution to the moral, political and economic challenges we face as a nation and as one whole society of mankind are deeply rooted in the values we hold and believe in as individuals and as a society of humanity.
We understand that Values shape a man and his outlook towards life and to other beings such as him. Therefore, we see these moral, economic and political challenges as the fruits of trees planted, as bad seeds, generations ago.
Hence, we at GSC, being an action-oriented and purpose driven people, have ceased to complain and to continue to play the “blame game” being played by everyone else. We have decided to stop to merely discuss these challenges. Instead, we have created and triggered a sustainable system that implants the right seeds – good societal values – in the fertile minds of the coming generations of world leaders and citizens in order to secure the future.
These seeds are the values we teach. They are the bane of our gospel. The crux of our message. Some of these values are Integrity, Hard-Work, Discipline and so on – Values that, when cultivated properly, will yield great results both now and in the future.
We go to schools, youth gatherings and corporate organisations to enlighten people on the benefits (both present and future) of holding and living by the right societal values.
Towards realising our Vision, our Mission above drives us to do the following:
As a result of our Vision and Mission, we, at the Generation For Societal Change, believe in the following values and hold ourselves as individuals and our activities as an organisation to them:
© 2025 Generation for Societal Change.